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It’s My Second Home, But I have a Very Spiritual Connection With This Place – 2010.
Two channel video installation with sound. Duration: 30:00. Video Stills.

It’s My Second Home, But I Have a Very Spiritual Connection With This Place is an ethereal mediation on the ebb and flow of the marketplace, the environment, and its actors. It is an interactive and performative work that reveals the longitudinal flow of land, people, and commerce within the Santa Fe region by examining these shifting relationships as they are manifested on tribal lands, the City of Santa Fe, and the property holdings of its speculative inhabitants. The work provides a means for exploring potential synchronicities of the marketplace in a variety of seemingly unrelated contexts, while enabling audiences to see and hear spaces and actions distant from each other at the same time, and juxtapose flurries of activity that would otherwise be unachievable.